The Half-Hearted

This is often the journeys starting point. Having a broken heart. Two halves of a heart divided by one of these.

  1. anger
  2. fear
  3. rage
  4. jealousy
  5. judgement
  6. rejection
  7. guilt
  8. shame
  9. abandonment
  10. grief
  11. self-loathing
  12. inadequacy
  13. pride

Whole Heartedness is

Human beings are so good at making excuses and shifting blame.

Heart Mending is about realising  that all of us are connected.

We all mess us. We all get things so wrong.

The broken hearted feel they are all alone.

They feel no one understands them

They feel that they are beyond repair

No one cares – why should they?

They feel worthless, despised and pointless

To get rid of these feelings they drink far too much.

Self-medication leads to mood swings from ‘euphoria’ to ‘despair’ and back again.

They think they are the only ones that feel this way.

All the thoughts listed above are just that. THOUGHTS. Thought is what the brain does. The brain thinks. Most of what the brain thinks is rubbish.

Mind looks at thoughts. We have 1 mind BUT it has two very different modes of operation. If we were presented with all the data captured by the senses all the time we could not function. We have an unconscious mind. It does all the bits we do not need to know about. It’s automated processes all the way. The unconscious mind receives data from the senses. Sight, Sound, Taste, Smell and Touch. 

The other Mind mode is the conscious Mind. This one is the alert clever one. It is an interpreter. To do this, it needs language, lists, memory, and life experience,  This one suffered from the 7 deadly sins. Remember Mohamed Ali? “I am the greatest!!” That is how Conscious Mind thinks about Conscious mind. He never makes a mistake. He bends the truth of every situation so that your perception of you matches his perception of him. Clever deceitful bugger he is.

     The Seven Deadly Sins is a grouping of vices within Christian teachings. The standard list includes pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth.

In Christian tradition, the seven heavenly virtues combine the four cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude with the three theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity.

Conscious Mind creates a version of you that suffers no VICES at all. After all, any you have, you are fully justified in having, and they are not really vices they are small misunderstandings. This impossible being is the one that we call EGO.

Virtues ? You have all of them, of course, in vast abundance. You cannot be super being if you haven’t. 

Are you cottoning on to the tissue of lies and deception that the EGO is putting together? Oh, I do hope so. EGO is an identity created to give others an entirely false impression of what you are actually like. It is a mask behind which to hide.

Back to the brokenhearted. The half-hearted. The Poor me, victim of a world that just doesn’t care.

We make ourselves victims of circumstance.

There are fundamental things about what we think. They are THOUGHT, MIND and CONSCIOUSNESS.

This is how we see the world and navigate our way through our existence. So what goes on inside our head is the reality of the world outside of our bodies.

It is a perception of the world. Your perception of the world and my perception of the world could not be more different, and yet it is the same world, is it not?

So whose perception is right and whose perception is wrong?

Both are right and yet both are wrong. 


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