The Simple 7 Church

If you like what you will read on this page and would like to join ‘The Simple Seven Church’, then to find out more, connect with Teresa Joy Mac or me on Facebook by sending a friend request mentioning The Simple 7 Church in some way.
“I am” is so glad to hear that you like what you will read on this web site page. I have been thinking for the past ten years that only I believed in a personal God and that I was worthy to serve Him in any way that we (God & I) saw fit.
No one needs permission from anyone to do good. All the rules are negative. Do Not blah blah blah! Stand out. Decide yourself to be a good person and do something nice for somebody. Do not take the credit for having done so. You are under orders from The Creator. HE told you to love your neighbour as you love yourself AND to love God with all the best goodwill that you can muster.

Never think that by doing good deeds, you will buy your way into Heaven. It is the personal relationship with God that does that. That and that alone. The Topman has no corruptible factors; you cannot influence Him. If you think that, you can then think again; it is always God who decides anything.

Sydney Banks told me that there is none that is more or less spiritual than me anywhere in this wonderful creation that God made.
So, it is simple: no rites, no affirmations, no forms to fill in, no permission to seek, no money to pay, no public declarations to make, nobody to thank (apart from God), no one to bow and scrape to, AND all you have to do is close your eyes and reflect on who you are.
You are consciousness. You hear, see, touch, smell, taste and have inner feelings. You use your intellect but always bear witness to what your heart tells you is the best and most worthy thing to do.
No one forced you. No one gave you permission. You have not been coerced, threatened, made to feel fearful, brainwashed, spoken any words dictated by another, obeyed anybody else’s commands, or performed any rites.
You have chosen to be God’s friend of your own free will.
Be of good cheer. God will celebrate your decision. No one will be rejected. You will be welcome to be in communion with Him. I AM will love you as if you were his son or daughter. You will never ever feel alone ever again.



Fed up with Dogma, Rites get on yer nerves? What about a community church that owns no buildings and has the spiritual well-being of the people in mind? Yes, me as well. What about a personal faith and a personal relationship with God? Sounds better already. I reckon there are only 7 observances that are needed to be connected with. 7 is the number of things that a human being can reliably remember. The Jewish community always regard it as a powerful number, as G-d created the world in 7 days. 6 is unlucky because it misses 7 by just one; it missed the rest day, poor little mate.


Jesus had a very relevant message for the living. IF people heard his message and just lived life the way that He told them to, then this world would be a beautiful place. The 7 things he said (don’t look for them in the Bible) are listed right. Lots of Bible passages have be read and condensed just to get the meaning out of them. YES, they are written on a headstone; this is because you must be born again, silly. You will not get the joy out of life by living as you were. You must cast ALL the old you away and live life in the new persona you will become. NOW, some people fear change. As miserable as they are, they will never risk making a change. Priests have fancy robes and are authority figures, so if they tell you to change, that’s okay, but to tell yourself to make a risky change? All “I AM” (God’s Old Testament Name) asks you to do is stand up and be counted for Him.

Jesus (I AM in French is “Je Suis”) wants you to live a life of abundance. Not one of just scraping by. Being a fully paid-up member of the rat race, all you care about is your status in society. Best car, the biggest house, most extravagant holiday, top job… None of these things will bring you lasting peace and joy. None of it. Money, wealth and power come and go. My mother used to say, “Being Rich may not make you happy, BUT “you can be miserable in Comfort”. Let’s get this straight MONEY is good. There is nothing wrong with having shed loads of the stuff. The problem is when “A Human Soul” values MONEY above everything thing else. MONEY and the pursuit of wealth become the sole life game plan.

One day, your life will go as well. Mr George Harrison, when I was, but a kid, told me that “All Things Must Pass” (His first solo Album full of songs that The Beatles would not record and release was a triple album). He is right. He is gone himself, much to my great sadness. Look at all the stuff he had. Pete Townshend told me a thing or two as well. I meet with a Tommy on every street in the UK. 

This is a non-contributory scheme. If you do not fully understand any of it, this is a big club. Most people do not understand all of it. In the world of the spiritual, you feel things are right. Being able to waffle on for 40 minutes about them does not mean that you understand them. You are just a great parroteer; Man is not supposed to be able to analyse and make sense of every damn thing.

How much of all this did man create? Spot on – not much. You can interrogate a duck all you like, but none of what he tells you is intelligible “well-reasoned elegant prose”. He bloody quacks good, though, doesn’t he?

The ‘Simple 7 Church’ is open. Spread the good news. Be happy!

Life’s Good.

Consumerism relies on YOU never being satisfied with anything.

At its fundamental core is the thought that you should strive to have MORE, BETTER or DIFFERENT.

That new-car buzz is long gone after seven months have gone by. The girlfriend is not so hot after 12 months. The House isn’t big enough for the two of you – you need five bedrooms at the very least.

Where does all this shite come from? Little secret- there is no vast crowd that will clap you when you have a more, better, different everything. No gong, no medal, no complete adoration. It is all in your mind. You have fallen into the trappings of ‘Needy Wanty World’ where you believe you can have anything you want if you work that little bit harder and become that little more…. ruthless. Squash any opposition. In old parlance, ‘sell your soul to the devil.’

But it is much simpler than that – your focus is on yourself and to heck with anyone else. I spoke briefly with someone who was seriously considering buying a wristwatch for £137,000.  His accusation (a reliable form of defence) was, “Are you trying to tell me how I should spend my own money??” The tone this was said in was quite menacing, and I knew my reply would have to be very carefully put. “No, not at all. A watch like that will say a great deal about you. It’s not for me to tell anyone how they spend their hard-earned cash. I would greatly resent it if someone tried telling me how to spend mine. No, it was just a thought, that is all.”  

I often think of Liam Neeson’s wonderful portrayal of Oscar Schindler when he wept and said, “Why did I keep this gold brooch? Why did I keep the car? four people here, ten more there.”

Values? It has little or nothing to do with prices. I feel another accusation coming on: “Paul, have you sold everything you have and given it to the poor?” Much to my detriment, I have not, nor would I when a footballer earns £1.6 million a week and a billionaire politician insists that “We are all in this together.”

After all, life is so unfair, mostly because we let it be.


Procrastinate no longer. If you live for 100 years and amass a pile of evidence that God exists, that is 59 feet high… Then what the heck! You could have believed when the pile was only 24 feet high, 3 feet high, or 1 page big. HE existed all the same whether you had faith and trust. or not!

Stop collecting garbage. Shut your eyes and put your hands together. What do you see inside yourself??

Do you hear a choir of Angels singing? Listen very carefully. Listen internally. There is an inner voice that is not materialistic and worldly. That voice is warm, friendly, generous, loving and giving. That voice cares not what other people think because that voice KNOWS that what he says is the path to peace.

“Come down off your throne and leave your body alone; somebody must change. You are the reason I have waited all these years. Cos somebody holds the key…”

Love the Lord with all your heart, all your mind and all your strength.




Love your neighbour as you love yourself.