6 – The essential 3P Tool Kit

Return To Syd Banks Further Investigations

Something you cannot detect with any of your senses, and yet, it is definitely there. How do you know that you are right and this formless thing is really there? These are all good questions and Sydney Banks spent 26 years of his life trying to explain this, BUT in the end he came to an obvious but very elusive conclusion. You cannot explain to other people the intangible! You can help them understand it or themselves but you cannot explain it. SO HOW THE HECK ARE YOU GOING TO LEARN THIS STUFF?

What was this INTANGIBLE that Sydney was trying so earnestly to explain? Well Sydney was quite an unhappy sort of person and he suddenly had what he called an “insight” and he FELT happier and happier every day. People said he was crazy. He moved from Scotland to a small island in Hawaii. He met a few people who became his initial disciples and his first success was a lady called Linda Quiring. Linda had been far unhappier that Sydney ever was and thought that drugs (the illegal kind) would cure her. Several addicted ‘lost’ years later she met SYD. Sydney explained his insight to her – over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. They stayed up all night and in the morning she announced to Sydney that he should persevere because she was getting it! 3 Days later she gave up the tabs, and the booze, and lived a normal un-addicted life. Syd got visits from all sorts of people, and some were prominent people in the sphere of psychiatry. Sydney had stumbled on a way of improving mental health and out look on life and his theory succeeded where their ‘book learned’ methods just didn’t. It’s hard when you have studied and practised psychiatry for 20 years to find out that a Scottish welder can do it better with no qualifications in mental health at all!If you snatch at the soap it just whizzes away from you!!

This web site is here to allow us to take you by the hand and gently point you in the right direction. We cannot fix you because you are not broken, honestly you are not… you just think you are.

Emma Mallock is Editor in chief of this site and has spent 12 years of countless frustration trying to do what Sydney said was impossible and that is to explain THOUGHT, and how it works, to people. She is good at it! BUT… here is the rub, she can hand hold, point you in the right direction, highlight key points in Sydneys theory, share your anger, frustration and so many other things AND in the end YOU HAVE TO FIND INSIGHT FOR YOURSELF!

That’s the way it works! The answer to everything lies within yourself. There are NO BOOKS, TRAVEL, POTIONS, PILLS, BILLS to pay, nothing! and that’s why it will take you a while to ‘get it’. We are offering you something you already have, you just don’t know it. It’s something you had when you were a little tot, and you grew up, became an adult and forgot you had it.

You used to take it for granted, auto-pilot, never thought about it. BUT then you became an adult, a stand-on-your-own-two-feet adult who believed he knew how life worked and he could fix anything. After all you have knowledge, beliefs, conviction, resilience and anxiety. Come on in and when you do not understand a word of it then get in touch because we are here to help.