Lesson 4

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We start today with just a blank A4 sheet and a pencil. The pencil has been sharpened at both ends to remind you that if one end will not write… Then turn it around and TRY again. The title of the group is Creative Writing. The word Creative would be well served were it replaced by TRY… Try Writing Group. You start with a single idea. A sunflower seed, which will grow thousands of times bigger, into something tall beautiful and inspiring. Mike Pinder (of whom i am a huge fan) just wanted to write about that feeling when we first become awake after a peaceful nights sleep. He wrote a song called “Dawn is a feeling”. We are going to look at it today. All Mike’s songs are crafted. He tries one thing and when that only half works he tries another. If they do not “do it” he adds another. Your job today is to look at his lyrics and….

1) write about the parts of the song that “resonate” with you.

2) parts that shock you

3) parts that are mysterious – you don’t quite understand but really want to.

4) parts that seem “very familiar” they remind you of a past event.

5) any lesson contained or something you learned

6) anything you thought could be improved on

7) anything you might use yourself in one of your own stories

The cover art is so clever. You can turn the cover left and right and “see” different things. A bit like your pencil sharpened at both ends. One end doesn’t work… Turn it around, use the other end

The Moody Blues

Dawn is a Feeling.

Dawn is a feeling
A beautiful ceiling
The smell of grass
Just makes you pass
Into a dream

You’re here today
No future fears
This day will last
A thousand years
If you want it to

You look around you
Things they astound you
So breathe in deep
You’re not asleep
Open your mind

You’re here today
No future fears
This day will last
A thousand years
If you want it to

Do you understand
That all over this land
Theres a feeling
In minds far and near
Things are becoming clear
With a meaning

Now that you’re knowing
Pleasure starts flowing
Its true life flies
Faster than eyes
Could ever see

You’re here today
No future fears
This day will last
A thousand years
If you want it to

Songwriter: Mike Pinder

the most popular song on the album has been a “hit” for 50+ years. Can you see the “nights in white satin” on the album sleeve cover. The image in your mind ight have been snow covered roof tops or hille, the cover shows a romantisised idea. Which do you prefer? why? does a feeling emerge when things are not what they appear to be?