What is it that is The Missing Link?

This not going to be a Tarot lesson, so don’t get your hackles up about “I don’t believe in all that rubbish!” It’s all mumbo jumbo, that is.

In the beginning, TAROT was actually an ancient card game, just like Bridge or Rummy is today.

What lies at the heart of it is the fellow you see on the left here. We do not know his name, but he is called ‘The Fool’, and the deck of cards is about his journey through life with all its trials and tribulations.

Each of us is ‘The Fool’. Our lives go according to how the cards of the deck fall, PLUS we have free will choices to make. I want to borrow some work done by a fantastic AGENT of personal change whose book I read a short while ago. His name is Jorgen Rasmussen, and the title of his book is Provocative Hypnosis. In this book, Jorgen talks about the myth of ’cause and effect’ relating to people’s lives. Because of X, it was inevitable that Peter would end up in Y. Complete nonsense! In the book, Jorgen says there are two types to consider CATS & BALLS.

Often when I go to watch Hull City Ladies play a match 15 minutes before the kick-off, some of the ladies (well, some are girls as young as 14, actually) demonstrate their ball skills.

Amazing! They kick a ball, and it goes exactly where they want it to go. It takes lots of practice, but these passing and shooting skills are awesome. In your mind, try to picture this scene now. The accuracy. The ease. The predictability. The smile on the player’s face as the ball goes exactly where she wants it to go. Got IT?

Great! Now the ball is replaced by a cat. The player remains the same player you just observed kicking a football with such great talent and skills.

Where is the cat going to end up when the player kicks it? What do you mean, “This is so cruel!” This isn’t actually happening; I am just asking that you imagine it to be happening. What do you mean that is a bad thought and we are not “by PC Woke rules” allowed to think them?

You must have slept through the bit where Syd says that thoughts have no power of their own and that it’s only if we act on them that we give thought power.

Just to recap. You can think whatever you damn well like. Thinking a bad thought does not make you a bad person. Killing the next-door cat because he dug up your Begonia does, though. See!

Getting back to the cat, we are going to imagine kicking. Gently. Painlessly. Can we predict where the cat is going to end up?

NO! Of course not! The cat has a lot of choices.

  1. he could bite you.
  2. sharp claws.
  3. he could spring suddenly from your grasp.
  4. Call his mates
  5. Spit at you
  6. Snarl at you
  7. Change his direction mid-air.
  8. Charm you – make you sorry for him.
  9. Pull a knife on you or a gun 🙂

Cats have 9 lives. didn’t you know that?

So, Paul, What is the point of all of this?

Cause & Effect as far as people or ‘all living things’ are concerned, is complete nonsense.


Because X happens, there is no certainty that the outcome will be Y.

There is always a choice.

Pontius Pilate washed his hands of the fate of Jesus. Claimed he had no choice. Bollox!

The phrase ‘My hands are tied’ is also Bollox!

Cause and effect is a MYTH!

So if in your mind you are thinking I am a victim; there is no escape for me, your thinking could not be more flawed. There is always a choice! YOU MIGHT NOT LIKE OR WANT THE CHOICES BUT THEY ARE THERE, AND YOU JUST NEED COURAGE, FAITH, TRUST to pick one and follow it through wherever that may take you.

JORGEN RAMUSSEN is a brutal teacher, and a lot of his clients absolutely loathe him, BUT he changes them and helps them. You may disapprove of his methods, but by God, he gets results.

So, be bold, think outside of your usual box, and THINK. You may not know it yet but you are seeking  JOY in your life. Spontaneous mirth and delight in everything you see and do. That is what you want and The Three Principles leaves you at a railway station that is not your final destination. Your final destination is a short journey away on a train that does not have return fares.