So, the missing link that I promised you a couple of posts ago. What is it? You decide what the missing link is and make a conscious choice to achieve it. The thing that (no matter how adept you are in your understanding of The Three Principles is) you are missing is “The Joy of Life.”

Waking. up in the morning and feeling content and happy with your lot in life. Drudge gone. Duty Gone. Debts Gone. I want to quote Charles Dickens here.

He went to church and walked about the streets, and watched the people hurrying to and fro, and patted children on the head, and questioned beggars, and looked down into the kitchens of houses, and up to the windows, and found that everything could yield him pleasure. He had never dreamed that any walk – – that anything — could give him so much happiness.

Scrooge had been on a life re-visit of his past and his present, and his future. He observed his life as familiar events and unknown events unfolded. He realised that he was not being the best version of himself ever. He felt great shame and disgust and anger and fear and frustration and regret and disappointment. In fact, he felt every feeling it is possible for the human frame to feel. He saw how unhappy his life had become by witnessing all the things that had led him to where he was now. The conclusion of the book describes how Scrooge made so many different choices and how his life became a shining beacon for all to rejoice at and follow in his footsteps. He learned compassion. That led to Love. His Love for others led him to finally love himself. “I will not be the man I was before!”

Situation X no longer resulted in Y. His choices now led him to JOY.

Where did that happiness come from? Have a look at the picture below. Yes, there is much darkness in the world out there. When I was a child, I was taught at Sunday school a chorus which always used to make me feel good whenever I sang it. Much later, I led a Sunday School myself and taught the children that same song. Much later still, when I helped lead services, I played a video of the song to worshipping adults, and it was so great to see the smiles on all those adult faces singing a child’s chorus.

“This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!” Deep Joy!

Such a small thing. A tiny little ripple in life’s great pond. Yet tiny things reverberate and gather energy, and before you know where you are, LIFE is so different.

Sydney Banks never told us this. This is the missing link. The real missing link.


Strange if you think Joyful thoughts you will see JOY in your life.